3 retro pieces to future proof your wardrobe

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From the 2020 Oscars, to Netflix’s ‘Sex Education’ series and its characters’ retro styles, there are three simple steps to adopting this trend. Retro sneakers Shoes have a big role in an outfit and Bella Hadid certainly knows it. Just like her, complete your vintage look with a colourful pair of retro sneakers! We would […]

Lena Hoschek appoints TASK PR!

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TASK PR HAS BEEN APPOINTED TO MANAGE ALL UK PRESS AND PUBLICITY FOR PREMIUM AUSTRIAN FASHION LABEL LENA HOSCHEK. We are very happy to announce that TASK PR has been appointed to manage all UK press and publicity for Lena Hoschek. It is a premium Austrian fashion label – founded in 2005 by Lena Hoschek […]

Behind The Tasks – Cufflinks, Wallets and Ferraris

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This week Junior Account Executive Tom tells all about visiting new client GTO London’s headquarters and driving in vintage Ferraris! By Thomas Camilleri Here at TASK we’re very proud to be working with our newest client, GTO London. GTO London is the brainchild of Victoria Lyon whose family founded the Ferrari specialist business that inspired […]