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3 retro pieces to future proof your wardrobe

From the 2020 Oscars, to Netflix’s ‘Sex Education’ series and its characters’ retro styles, there are three simple steps to adopting this trend.

Retro sneakers

Shoes have a big role in an outfit and Bella Hadid certainly knows it. Just like her, complete your vintage look with a colourful pair of retro sneakers!

Photo courtesy of Upscalehype.com

We would perfect our outfits with this pair of Ash Tiger sneakers!

Retro gilet

Not only perfecting your retro style with a vintage gilet will add the final touch you’re looking for, but it will also keep yourself warm during the colder days! 

Photo courtesy of Christian Vierig – Getty Images

We found this Airfield quilted gilet is the perfect piece to add a retro touch to your look!

Retro jumper

For the men out there also wanting to achieve this look, take style notes from Elef (@eb.ldn) – vintage cut straight leg jeans jeans with an earthy coloured turtleneck!

Photo courtesy of @eb.ldn on Instagram

This Falke pullover will help you achieve a vintage look!