It’s been a very hairy month and it’s only getting hairier with every passing year. Never has facial hair been so in vogue and with Movember’s global takeover being the result of 7 years of campaigning one might ask whether the current trend is a result of 7 months’ worth of ‘tacheing.

All set to go at the Gala Parte!
This year our watch brand Maurice Lacroix rebranded themselves as Mo’rice Lacroix for the month as the official timekeeper of the charity and over the weekend team TASK split up and headed off to 2 very different events to commemorate the end of another successful campaign.
Thomas has been growing his ‘tache for the month and on Friday he donned his Movember cap and along with most of the team headed off to the closing Gala Parté. The event was held at the Roundhouse in Camden and never have there been that many furry upper lips under that roof. Artists were drawing mo’traits (Thomas didn’t look like his his at all but was pleased with it nonetheless!) and everyone was having a grand time with the live entertainment.
The following morning Annie met barbers Robbie and Gavin from the King’s Canary by our offices as they’d been selected to shave off Colin Jackon’s moustache in Newport. Robbie is an expert on traditional wet-shaving and they all met Julius Mbaluto from the BBC at Paddington and headed to Wales for the big shave.
Once set up inside the treatment rooms at the Celtic Manor resort in Newport Colin sat down and was pampered with a hot towel wet-shave and salt rub as he bid his moustache farewell. His mother popped in and was ecstatic to have ‘her old Colin’ back.
It was great fun to be part of the campaign this year and, most importantly, we managed to raise over £1000 for the charity which is the main aim of the month.
The papers on Monday were awash with news on Decembeard, the latest facial hair-related monthly charity tie-on and everyone looked at Thomas to see whether he’d be joining this one. The answer was a very firm no, one month of not being in control of his face was more than enough thank you very much!