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Task PR Christmas Jumper Day!

Personally we couldn’t think of a better way of raising money for charity than by getting into the festive spirit and wearing Crimbo jumpers to work! We would love to take credit for the idea but it was actually the folks at Save The Children who decided to declare last Friday as the official Christmas Jumper Day and get people across the nation donning their wooly wonders in order to raise some dosh for those in need this season.

Despite the fact it was the day after our own Christmas party and there were more than a few sore heads in the office, Team Task embraced the day fully and put on a bit of a celebratory shindig at the office. Homemade mince pies, mulled wine and chocolate log were laid out for guests and we invited friends, neighbours and team members old and new for a true Christmas get together!

We raised an amazing £100 for the charity and had a fabulous time so thanks to everyone who came along!

To see all of the pictures from the day you can visit our Facebook Page