We Are Handsome Launch ACTIVE range!

It’s landed…the We Are Handsome ACTIVE range available now! The collection features Crop Tops, Bralettes, Shorts and Leggings with breathable fabrics and concealed panels offering support. Check out the full collection here at http://wearehandsome.com/ Love, Team Task X
Amazonas Sandals Launch in the UK!

Did you know that most synthetic flip flops take up to 700 years to decompose on a landfill? Crazy right? Well if you are already feeling bad about purchasing five pairs for your upcoming Summer Holiday then don’t despair as we have an exciting and ethical alternative… New stylish and sustainable flip flop label Amazonas […]
London-Boutiques.com Launches…

Last night saw the launch of unique new fashion website London-Boutiques.com at the trendy venue of Le Baron in Mayfair. Attended by press, celebrities and bloggers the party was a great success and we are happy to announce that the site is now officially live! London-Boutiques.com is a brand-new virtual high street for the capital’s […]
Izabel London launches…

We are really excited about our newest client Izabel which is about to launch in the UK in a big way! Currently stocking in House of Fraser, Debenhams and Dorothy Perkins, the trend led fashion label is set to launch their very own website in time for the Summer season! Stocking everything from picnic dresses […]