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Heat Wave Survival

Here at Task Towers we have been waiting all Winter for Spring and now we have been blessed with a heat wave – that is set to last 3 months!
Cue inappropriate ‘warm weather outfits’ and emails discussing the joys of the weather. Following surviving last year’s scorcher in an office that felt much like a sauna at times, we have come up with some much needed survival tips:

  • Dress for the occasion, no one wants to be stuck on the tube in thick socks and boots
  •  Get a pedicure, ugly winter feet are not the one
  • Treat yourself to a cheeky lunch time ice pop
  • Snack on frozen grapes…..fruity, fresh and cooling (it’s good enough for Victoria Beckham)
  • Wear cotton to keep cool, it’s time to put the cashmere away
  • Gin and Tonic – enough said!
  • Suddenly it’s ok to wear white again
  • Wedges are the summer shoe of choice, we’re off to Prada now


Now all we need is a beach….
Love Team Task x