
Christmas Jumper Day!

Yesterday Team Task signed up for what might just be one of the most fun charity events ever! Save the Children are claiming  this 14th December as their own and holding an official Christmas Jumper Day. Taking part really couldnt be easier, all you need to do is wear your festive knit on the designated day and persuade as many of your workmates/ classmates/ nearest and dearest to do the same. Everyone who takes part donates £1 and you can do further jumper wearing fundraising activities on the day to raise as much money as possible for the charity.

Aside from the fact that wearing crimbo jumpers is muchos fun and will bring a bit of Christmas cheer to your surroundings, for us the 14th December also happens to be the day after our work Christmas party and I personally can’t think of a better ‘day after the night before’ attire!

Stay tuned for more details of our TASK PR Christmas Jumper Day and if you want to join us in taking part sign up here

Image from Save the Children