We are on a serious health and fitness drive here at TASK PR, if there is a new diet must do, or a fitness trend that everyone’s tried, then count us in. With our motivation to embrace the new, off we trotted, stumbled and crawled, to try out Pyscle, the center of central London’s Spin universe! Psycle, is a sleek, scandi-esq, friendly and surprisingly calm studio, based on Mortimer Street W1. Whilst upstairs is calm, tranquil and full of friendly staff willing to help, but, as we found out at this morning’s (7:30am) ‘Psycle 45’ class, downstairs is a whole other level of fast tempo, upbeat, aerobic pain (with some weights thrown in). Psycle describe themselves as having “a philosophy rooted in the belief that your state of mind is key to how often and how hard you exercise, psycle will inspire you mentally and challenge you physically to transform your body.”
After our 45 minute class we certainly felt challenged, but strangely energised and ready to face Friday at full speed! It’s safe to say, you can sign us up for next week.
Team Task