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Task PR AW13 Press Days

Last week Task PR showcased the new collections from our clients as part of our Task PR AW13 Press Days. The two day event was held at The Gallery Soho on Charing Cross Road and attended by over 150 members of the press and media.

Guests were treated to homecooked food from catering company The Wandering Chef, dishes included honey and argan oil bircher muesli with a spiced quince compote to start, lamb tagine and goats cheese and beetroot salad for main and chai tea brownies with Cardamon cream ganache for afters.

Manicures were also available from beauty company Only Fingers and Toes who offered a 30 minute luxury treatment including manicure and hot stone massage.

Collections from eighteen different brands including ASH, J shoes, Tamaris and Joseph Ribkoff were on show as well as new clients Johnstons of Elgin, Carlo Pazolini and Deakin & Francis, all of which were greatly recieved by press.

Some photos from the event are below and do take a look at our exclusive video above. To see more photos visit our Facebook Page.

Video filmed and produced by Stuart Watt and Ozlem Siva. Photography by Stuart Watt.